Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Day um, 24 I think?

Bless me father for I have sinned. It has been almost two weeks since my last confession...

So I have been negligent when it comes to this blog. And I apologize. Not last Sunday but the Sunday before, I moved into a new place. Previously I was staying in a hotel, which was great because clean room, hot shower, free breakfast and good Internet. Bad because the price, while as expensive as your average Motel 6 in the States, was still above my budget. So moved into the house of a couple of US docs here. No hot showers,  not as close to the hospital, and my excuse for being negligent: the Internet is much worse. 

But this is the view:

And we have a housekeeper named Monique. Monique makes crepes. Monique also does laundry. And irons my underwear, even though I tell her not to. Casey could learn a lot from Monique. 

Not much different to say about CHUK. Still ridiculous wait time for patients to get care. I have been learning to multitask and operate while performing anesthesia. Often I will look I over and try to tell the anesthetist the the blood pressure or O2 sat is too low and how to fix it. Little crazy. 

My operating room. The black stuff on the ceiling is, um, smoke. Yeah, smoke. Not mold, that would be crazy...

Crazy things I have seen lately:
Yes that's a femur in an above the knee amputation. And yes it is supposed to be on the inside. 
The rare scalp urinary catheter. For the patient who pees out their blowhole. 
A little bit of free air and fluid. Perforated gastric ulcer that had been hanging out for about a week. He did fine after we repaired him. Oh, and I got to treat his gonnorhea too. BONUS!

Will be more diligent about posting. Off to get lost in Kigali. 

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